Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sleepless in my dreams

I want to sleep

Underneath the weeping willow

As it crys all night quietly

Its tears all around me

I'll sleep there so soundly

Until I'm allowed finally

To wake and be happy again
I was in Seattle.....trying to feel sleepless in Seattle. Seattle is such a beautiful city. I perefer Seattle, coz I can't see you there......
I was a fool. I knew it was only a dream, but I still put my heart in the same place....
It was only a dream, and I am sleepless in my dream...

Friday, July 8, 2011

Remind me not, remind me not

Remind me not, remind me not,

Of those beloved, those vanish'd hours,

When all my soul was given to thee;

Hours that may never be forgot,

Till Time unnerves our vital powers,

And thou and I shall cease to be.